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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Non-linear calculation that fails, Deformation of a fence following an impact Reply To: Non-linear calculation that fails, Deformation of a fence following an impact

Raphaël BEVAN

Hi Armin 


We finally have access to LS-DYNA and thanks for this advice, the calculation time is much quicker.

So now without any optimization we have 40h, I will show you our model, if you have any advice to reduce the time again it will be incredible for our work. 


So it’s the same model as before. 

For the mesh we have choose this settings : 

We have put this analysis settings : 

We have the same displacement and fixed support. 


And we put 0 N at 0s and 50000 N at 0,2s for the force


Do you see any upgrade possible in our model? 

Do you know if it's possible to know the maximum deformation of each element of a wire at the end of a calculation? The goal is to find out if one of the wires in our barrier has stretched locally by more than x %. 


Otherwise thank you for all your answers during the month.


Best regards,