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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids 2D meshes with Body of Influence and the boundaries in Fluent Reply To: 2D meshes with Body of Influence and the boundaries in Fluent

Ansys Employee

Hello Simon, 

for your first attempt, there are 2 scenarios: 

1) if you have 2-sides to the fluid-fluid interface (between refined and non-refined regions), then you probably need to creat a mesh interface in Fluent. Go to Domain > Mesh > Interface. Select both sides and click Create. Fluent will then change the boundary types to Interior, allowing fluid to pass accross.

2) If you only have 1-side to this boundary, then you can manually change the type to Interior in Fluent. 


For the Body of Influence (BOI) approach, a BOI will not create any features in your domain (it is not part of it). Is simply a geometry region that influences the sizing of your mesh. Hence, it is expected that you will not see any disctint edges.

The Capture Curvature control is meant to refine areas of higher curvature in your domain, by inserting more cells into these areas (each cell spanning an angle defined as the Normal Curvature Angle). Hence, it is not mean to be used as your described.