Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids VOF model doesn’t compute for VF Reply To: VOF model doesn’t compute for VF

Omkar Pawar
Ansys Employee


VOF Multiphase model is a free surface modelling technique, that helps to locate and track free surface.

This is suitable for simulation which involve distinct demarcation between two phases.

An example, suitable for VOF simulation would be a system with air and water interaction (flow of river in air domain, bottle filling simulation etc), flow of two immiscible liquids (oil and water in vessel etc).

The phase interaction in the above example is such that the fluid is continuous in regards to both phases.

Now regarding your problem, the following interaction are involved in your simulation domain,
1. Air and CO2 (this are miscible fluids)
2. Infected droplets (This would be as a dispersed phase. i.e. infected droplets present at discrete location in the continuous domain of air and CO2.

The appropriate modelling approach in this case would be to do a single-phase simulation (with species transport turned on to capture interaction of CO2 and air) with Discrete Phase Modelling (DPM to model the transport of infected particles).