April 5, 2024 at 8:41 am
vikram chahal
could you please provide the UDF code. i have write this oneÂ
#include "udf.h"
DEFINE_SOURCE(moment_source, c, t, dS, eqn)
  real time = CURRENT_TIME; // Get the current simulation time
  real moment = 0.0; // Initialize moment to zero
  real CG[ND_ND]; // Center of gravity coordinates
  real cellCG[ND_ND]; // Cell center coordinates
  C_CENTROID(CG, c, t); // Get CG of the domain
  C_CENTROID(cellCG, c, t); // Get cell center coordinates
  real distance_from_CG = cellCG[2] - CG[2]; // Distance along z-axis
  /* Check if time is within the specified duration */
  if (time <= 2.0)
    /* Apply moment only to cells at CG */
    if (distance_from_CG = 0.0)
      moment = 5000.0; // Apply 5000 Nm moment
  dS[eqn] = 0.0; // Reset the source term
  return moment; // Return the moment as the source term
and hooked as the souce term of fluid domain under cell conditions.