   |                         |
   |  Livermore  Software  Technology  Corporation  |
   |                         |
   |  7374 Las Positas Road              |
   |  Livermore, CA 94551               |
   |  Tel: (925) 449-2500  Fax: (925) 449-2507    |
   |  www.lstc.com                  |
   |                         |
   |  LS-DYNA, A Program for Nonlinear Dynamic    |
   |  Analysis of Structures in Three Dimensions   |
   |  Version : smp s R8.1.0   Date: 02/24/2016   |
   |  Revision: 105896      Time: 14:28:04    |
   |                         |
   |  Features enabled in this version:        |
   |   Shared Memory Parallel            |
   |   FFTW (multi-dimensional FFTW Library)     |
   |   Interactive Graphics             |
   |   ANSYS Database format             |
   |   ANSYS License (ANSYS145)           |
   |                         |
   |  Licensed to:                  |
   |                         |
   |  Platform  : WINDOWS X64            |
   |  OS Level  : Windows 7/8/10 & Server 2008/2010 |
   |  Compiler  : Intel Fortran XE 2013 MSVC++ 2010 |
   |  Hostname  : xianxianxian            |
   |  Precision  : Single precision (I4R4)      |
   |  SVN Version: 105897               |
   |                         |
   |  Unauthorized use infringes LSTC copyrights   |
 Executing with ANSYS license
 Input file: d:\penetr~1\budong.k
 The native file format    : 32-bit small endian
 Memory size from default   :   20000000
 on UNIX computers note the following change:
 ctrl-c interrupts ls-dyna and prompts for a sense  switch.
 type the desired sense switch: sw1., sw2., etc. to continue
 the execution.  ls-dyna will respond as explained in the users manual
  type            response
  -----  ------------------------------------------------------------
  quit   ls-dyna terminates.
  stop   ls-dyna terminates.
  sw1.   a restart file is written and ls-dyna terminates.
  sw2.   ls-dyna responds with time and cycle numbers.
  sw3.   a restart file is written and ls-dyna continues calculations.
  sw4.   a plot state is written and ls-dyna continues calculations.
  lpri   toggle implicit lin. alg. solver output on/off
  nlpr   toggle implicit nonlinear solver output on/off
  iter   toggle implicit output to d3iter database on/off
  prof   output timing data to messag and continue
  conv   force implicit nonlinear convergence for current time step
 ********  notice  ********  notice  ********  notice  ********
 *                               *
 * This is the LS-DYNA Finite Element code.          *
 *                               *
 * Neither LSTC nor the authors assume any responsibility for *
 * the validity, accuracy, or applicability of any results   *
 * obtained from this system. The user must verify his own   *
 * results.                          *
 *                               *
 * LSTC endeavors to make the LS-DYNA code as complete,    *
 * accurate and easy to use as possible.            *
 * Suggestions and comments are welcomed.  Please report any  *
 * errors encountered in either the documentation or results  *
 * immediately to LSTC through your site focus.        *
 *                               *
 * Copyright (C) 1990-2016                   *
 * by Livermore Software Technology Corp. (LSTC)        *
 * All rights reserved                     *
 *                               *
 ********  notice  ********  notice  ********  notice  ********
 Beginning of keyword reader                  04/04/24 12:32:40
 Memory required to process keyword   :    350314
I don't know what problems my file is having with the calculations.