Hello Federico,
Im currently using the ANSYS 2022 R2 meshing module.
I just simplified the geometry by joining the cone section with the first cylinder and suppressing the remaining geometry. Using this geometry I still get the same error. I attached an image to show which section im talking about. The image shows the mesh when multizone is turned off. This also means that the structured mesh I implemented using edge sizing doesn't work.Â
i could mesh all the invividual components seperately. However, the geometries then didn't follow the structured grid I implemented as it requires the previous geometry to sweep because of shared topology.Â
Now I think the issue lies with the cone section as its not sweepable and Im using it in the multizone meshing method. The fact it goes wrong here may be the reason the full geometry cant be meshed as the topology is shared.Â
I also meshed the full geometry as one solid body without the inner section, such that its only one circular domain. In this case Multizone can be used. However, this means I can't make a structured O-grid mesh. Do you have any idea to work around this to still make a structured mesh with the current full geometry?