Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Liquid-Gas CO2 entering a pipe simulation in Fluent Reply To: Liquid-Gas CO2 entering a pipe simulation in Fluent

Shikha Shikha

Hi Rob,


Thank you for your reply. I don't have access to the Ansys User Manual, but based on my understanding, I believe VOF model would work. I know I can define materials in the database, but in the case I am simulating, there will be pressure drop across the pipe, and thus the saturation temperature and properties of the material would change. I am trying to find out a way on how to account for that. I read other people on the forum suggesting to use Lee Model, but I didn't really understand how to fine tune the coefficients in the Lee Model. By default, the Lee Model is set to a constant saturation temperature, but someone recommended to import PTL (Pressure-Temperature-Latent Heat) Table to take varying saturation temperature into account. I have the property table of CO2, but without Latent Heat data, so I am trying to understand how to tell Ansys to account for the change in the saturation temperature with that table, or if there are other ways to do it.