Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation 3D Design Hardware suggestion – CPU and GPU Reply To: Hardware suggestion – CPU and GPU

Atharv Joshi
Forum Moderator

Hi Ventura, 

The CPU plays a crucial role in the performance of Ansys Discovery, especially when it comes to high fidelity simulations in Refine stage using Fluent or MAPDL solvers. A high-performance workstation with a CPU that supports these solvers is necessary. These solvers are run on the CPU, and the performance can be influenced by the number of cores. 

The results obtained in the Explore stage or in the Refine stage using the LiveGX solver are dependent on GPU hardware, and requirements have been mentioned in the above article.

As for the Model stage in Ansys Discovery, the CPU plays a role in geometry cleanup and setting up the initial model for simulation.

Thanks and Regards