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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Truss Joint on Symmetry Vertex? Reply To: Truss Joint on Symmetry Vertex?


Click on the Line Body, is the Model Type set to Link/Truss?

Click on the mesh, is the Element size larger than the length of the truss?  Since you used an Element Size mesh control, maybe that is already set to 1 element.

Click on Static Structural, under Supports, use Simply Supported on the pinned end, use a Displacement on the center node and set X=0, Y=-1, Z=0. This is a displacement load instead of a force load, but the Y component of the reaction force shows how much force it takes to create this displacement. Since this is a half model, the full truss will take twice as much force to deflect this amount.  Displacements are easier to converge than Forces. If you want to use a Force, then leave Y = Free.

Click on Analysis Settings, set Large Deflection to On.

Right Click on Solution, Insert > Beam Results > Axial Force

The Force Reaction (Total) result will show the same value as the Axial Force but with a negative sign.