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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products how to avoid fluent meshing for Stair-stepping Reply To: how to avoid fluent meshing for Stair-stepping

Ansys Employee

Stair-stepping in boundary layers can be an issue when meshing in Ansys Fluent, but there are ways to adjust the mesh to reduce this effect. One option you have is to use the "Use default stair-step handling?" option, which can help reduce stair-stepping at certain locations based on quality or proximity criteria. By default, setting this option to "Yes" allows you to retain the default stair-step handling. However, you can also choose "No, Exclude proximity check", "No, Exclude quality check", or "No, Exclude both checks" to further refine the boundary layer mesh. 

You can read on this in the User Guide: 3.15. Generating the Volume Mesh (ansys.com)