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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Combining ANSYS Mechanical .rst Files from Separate Simulations in Sequence Reply To: Combining ANSYS Mechanical .rst Files from Separate Simulations in Sequence

Avnish Pandey
Ansys Employee



Did you try using RESCOMBINE and RESWRITE commands. Below is the explanation to combine local results files into a global one when distributed solver is used.

You can use RESCOMBINE command in /POST1 to individually read each local results file until the entire set of results is placed into the database for postprocessing.

If needed, a subsequent RESWRITE command can then be issued to write a global results file for the distributed solution.

The following are the steps to use the RESCOMBINE command to combine slave node rst files:
1. read jobname.db file
2. use below commands to combine slave node files (currently 2 slave node files are used)
3. reswrite command to generate global rst file.

Ensure the two result files are in the same working directory and number them the way local result files get named for distributed solution (file0.rst, file1.rst and so on).

Check if this helps.