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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical A simple compression problem of an elastic structure Reply To: A simple compression problem of an elastic structure

ting teng

Thank you for kind explanation on solving nonlinear convergence issues.

Based on your advices, I aligned the contact nodes, set small initial time steps, and used MPC for bonded contacts. Also, same mesh sizes were used for all elements.

After many attempts, I obtained the best results, but yet not converged, as shown below:

(Note that I omitted bottom and top plates for convinience.)

and the latest Newton-Raphson Residual Force is as below:

The right image shows magnified view of local maximum probe. It is located at the internal edge of an elastic structure.

For this issue which is not related to the contact between different component, can you give me some clues?

Again, thank you for your kind support.Â