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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Preprocessing Workbench Import of Classic Model – Mesh Beam Issue Reply To: Workbench Import of Classic Model – Mesh Beam Issue


I believe you're correct - thank you for looking into this, Gary.


I did manage to figure out a workaround, though it is a bit convoluted...documenting for posterity:

  1. Import external model file with oriented placeholder beams
  2. Tie the external model block into its own mechanical model block
  3. In a separate mechanical model block, create a library of beam sections in SC
  4. Assemble the mechanical model blocks from steps 2 & 3 into a new mechanical model block
  5. In the line body menu for the step 2 model, set Read Only to "No". This will allow edits in the assembly block level
  6. The line body cross-sections can now be set to any of the mesh beam sections created in step 3
  7. Offset beams as needed and make sure Cross Section (for solver) is set to "Mesh"
  8. Ensure "Beam Section Results" is set to "Yes" under the solution properties