
I repeated this simulation with different conditions. This time all fluid zones had same initial temperature and RH, soil and pipe also had same initial temperature:

1-Dry Air and no Condensation/Evaporation; Total energy and total enthalpy were conserved and energy gained by cold zone was equal to the energy lost by hot zone.

2- Humid Air with Condensation; Total energy and total enthalpy were NOT conserved, BUT both of them changed by the exact same amount (-7e+08J for one case). Energy gained by cold zone was NOT equal to the energy lost by hot zone.

I used mixture multiphase model with Lee Evaporation/condensation and a piecewise-linear profile for saturation temperature of vapor. Could that be causing these discrepencies?

I am trying to repeat the simulation with UDF for saturation temperature, but in the meanwhile I would appreciate experts' comments on this.