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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Platform Batch script for Additive Manufacturing LBPF Thermal Structural Simulation Reply To: Batch script for Additive Manufacturing LBPF Thermal Structural Simulation

Mike Rife
Ansys Employee

Hi Yi

You may want to start by asking the HPC system administrator whether the HPC cluster has a job scheduler installed (it should) and whether Ansys RSM is available.  RSM takes the place of the user to automate submitting jobs from WB Mechanical to a cluster for solvung.  If it is not you can point them to the RSM Guide (in the Ansys Help) and ask if they would set it up.  This will make your life much easier.

If the HPC IT, or University IT, refuses to allow RSM to be installed and used then they need to tell you how to submit jobs to the HPC system.  There should be a job scheduler available.  

If the cluster admin needs to know the details of the command, and options, to start a MAPDL batch solve point then to chapters 4.1 and 4.4 of the MAPDL Operations Guide (link below) which has all the command line options then details on batch jobs depending on shell type used.


