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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids DO method for Radiation Heat Transfer Reply To: DO method for Radiation Heat Transfer



Thank you for replying. The angle between window is 90 deg. So, I put the theta = 90 and phi = 0 in Beam width. Did I put the correct values? Also, I clicked the "Apply Direct Irradiation Parallel to the Beam". So does it depend on the beam width values? 

In below Ansys guide, It is mentioned "The default beam width in ANSYS FLUENT is $1e-6$ degrees which is suitable for collimated beam radiation". I could not understand the logic of 1e-6.


In below picture, It is showing both theta and phi are divided by 2. So if I gave 90 then should I give 90/2=45? Please guide 



Thank you.