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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Cylindrical Coordinate System Reply To: Cylindrical Coordinate System

Bernd Hochholdinger
Ansys Employee

Dear Thamanna,

LS-DYNA doesn't support the definition of SPCs in a cylindrical coordinate system.

In LS-PrePost you have the option to automatically define and invoke local cartesian coordinate systems in the the keyword input so as to enforce nodal SPCs in a cylindrical coordinate system using:
     Model > CreEnt > Boundary > Spc > Cre
Then hit the radio button "Set" or "Node", if "Set" is true, then multiple nodes will have the same local coordiante system,
otherwise  each node to be constrained will correspond to a  single *define_coodinate_system and *boundry_spc_node.
Check box by "Cylindrical CS".
Select (and create if necessary) a CID and a direction in that CID (cartesian X,Y, or Z) that corresponds to
the z-axis in the cylindrical coordinate system.
Pick some nodes to be constrained, hit "Apply".

Kind Regards,
