Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Mat 54 Laminates and NLOC in *PART_COMPOSITE_LONG Reply To: Mat 54 Laminates and NLOC in *PART_COMPOSITE_LONG

Russell Gentry


Thank you Jim.  I have created a simple cylinder model in bending, with a single set of elements around the surface of the cylincer as shown in my figure above (not a DOUBLE layer of elements as I rarely do that).  I impose a set of displacements at the midspan of the cylinder. I then ran the analysis in EXPLICIT with NLOC = 0 and NLOC = 1.  The results confirm a different flexural stiffness im the two analyses, so I believe that NLOC is working as intended.

The curve A represents NLOC = 0. The curve B represents NLOC = 1.  Because the element normals are pointing "out" from the central axis of the cylinder, the effect of NLOC 1 is to move the shell elements inward by one-half the shell thickness, thus reducing the moment of intertia of the cylinder.

load versus time for two cylinders displaced at midpsan