March 4, 2024 at 2:05 pm
Shuangxing Du
Ansys Employee
If you need to include the hing damping, you may have to use the Hydrodynamic Response with the Computation Type of Frequency Statistical Analysis. In this analysis, the hinge effect (including the hinge damping) is automatically included.
If the RAOs at wave direction of 180 degrees are required, please define a wave spectrum and set the wave direction as 180 degrees.
Then in the analysis output FREQUENCY.LIS file which is stored in (your project)\dp0\AQW-2\AQW\AQ\Analysis, the RAO amplitudes and phases at the wave spectral integration frequencies are listed as
Note that the RAOS are with the fixed reference axis system, the relative pitch RAOs could be the differences of the real/imaginary parts of the pitch RAOs of the two structures.