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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Simple compression test on cilindrical specimen PROBLEM Reply To: Simple compression test on cilindrical specimen PROBLEM

Davide Givoia

Thanks for the quick response! In order:

1- The material property was defined as follows:


2- The geometry consists of a cylinder (having the dimensions mentioned above) divided into two parts joined by a "share topology" enclosed between 2 plates. This subdivision of the cylinder was done to simplify the meshing process conducted with the "edge sizing" command. The "edges" used in the meshing process are dashed red.



2- The contacts between the plates and the cylinder were modeled considering friction on both sides: 


As you can see the cylinder is made up of two semi-cylinder (joined with "share topology") this was done to be able to better discretize the mesh using the "edge sizing"<"number of division .." command.

3- For the mesh I tried two "different" approaches (probably identical at this point) :

     1- Only using "edge sizing" on the cilinder and let the program mesh the plate without information:

     2- The second approach was the one that uses the "contact sizing" command relying on the respective "contact region"

4- As regards the analysis settings, the only things I worked on are the end time step of 6 seconds and the time step that I set equal to that of applying the load which goes from 0 to 6 seconds with a step of 0.1

5- Finally I fitted the lower part of the lower plate. with a "fixed support" and applied a "remote diplacement" to the upper surface of the top plate to which I applied the displacement history

6- The constraint reaction (searched force) was extracted with the "probe" command as show under:

I hope this can give you some more clues as to what the problem is, thanking you in advance I greet you and thank you! Davide