Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Nonlinear Impact Analysis with preloaded bolts using Transient Structural Reply To: Nonlinear Impact Analysis with preloaded bolts using Transient Structural


Ok, you are getting closer. You have a Workbench project that has the mesh, all the connections, loads and boundary conditions. The project file has a name such as Impact.wbpj and there is a folder called Impact_files that has lots of files.

In Mechanical, you wrote out a .dat Ansys input file.

In a Text Editor, you edited the .dat file to put in the ,,,3 that Mechanical won't do for you on the IC commands.  You don't use the ANSYS Product Launcher to edit the .dat file, you use a Text Editor such as Notepad++.

You use the ANSYS Product Launcher to submit the edited .dat file (Job Name) to Run the Solver.  The solver will generate some files in the directory you told it to use.  One of those files is a text file called Solve.out.  You can open Solve.out with a Text Editor and read the lines to see if it ran the solution without an error.  Another file created by the solver is the *.rst file.  This is the result file that has all the displacements, velocities, stresses and strains for every node and element in the model.  This is the file you can read into Mechanical to plot the results.  Open your original Workench project, Impact.wbpj, open Mechanical and read in the .rst file.