Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Lumerical help, dielectric slab waveguide Reply To: Lumerical help, dielectric slab waveguide

Marton Ambrus

Hi Amrita,

Just wanted to ask if the optimisation feature in Lumerical, and the script option within that would allow me to optimise the waveguide's certain parameters until the optimisation reaches a real effective index value with no imaginery parts to it. 
So far, when I run the simulation and it gives me the calculated modes(effective indeces), those have some imaginary part to them which I don't really want. 

And I just wanted to know if there would be a way in the "figure of merit" section to specify a wanted (only real) effective index such as "2.2" and let the optimisation run until it gets there or close to the value.

For your reply, Thank You in Advance!
