Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna What calculation model do i need? Reply To: What calculation model do i need?

Daniel Dabic

Hello Reno,

okay perfect! 

The task is, to compare the analysing systems, LS-DYNA and Explicit Dynamics, from Workbench. But i think this is unneccecary because both tools are working with the same systems, right? 

Yes some times i get the error message "Energy error too large". But i don't understand why, because the only thing i changed regarding a previous model is the rotation and the  end time. (rotation from 90° to 360°).
Another error is "time step too small". Then i changed the time step to a larger value but it's still the same error. 
Here are some pictures of my model:
So in general we could say that, if i set up a rotation >90° and a displacement >0mm i get a error message. 
What am i doing wrong?

Kind regards,