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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Lumerical help, dielectric slab waveguide Reply To: Lumerical help, dielectric slab waveguide

Amrita Pati
Ansys Employee

Hi Marton,

Good question. Firstly, since you are looking at slab waveguide I believe you are concerned only about the thickess of the layers in one direction (y-direction here). The other two directions can be considered uniform. So, you can use a 1D FDE solver, something like: 

setnamed("FDE","solver type","1D Y:Z prop");

For automaticaly adjusting the FDE thickness here is what I have done in the past, although it is not very sophisticated, it works. You can go to the model tab:

Then go to "Setup"-->"Script", then you can paste the following script or something similar as shown below:


y_min = getnamed("structure group::layer_1", "y min")-2e-06;
y_max = getnamed("structure group::layer_5", "y max")+2e-06;

setnamed("FDE","y min",y_min);
setnamed("FDE","y max",y_max);


Here, what the script does is calculates the minimum (y min) of the first layer and (y max) of the 5th layer, subtracts 2 um from y min and adds 2 um to y max. Then makes them the y_min and y_max of the FDE. So, everytime the layer thickess (d1 through d5) change, the y_min and y_max of FDE will change. 

