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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Ansys Fluent+Transient structural Reply To: Ansys Fluent+Transient structural

Atif Ismail

Thanks a lot for your reply Luca. 
I am working on hydraulic fracturing in which fractures and generated by injection of highly pressurized fluid. 
My goal is to export the porepressure information to transient mechanical for recalculation of the stresses and new displacments will be exported to fluent for remeshing. 
Since I was unable to find any mechanism that may help me to generate fracture at high pressure, so I considered the preexisting fractures as shown in the center of the cylindrical sample. 
How to visualize the considered preexisting fracture in the ansys fluent? 
Is this possible to create fractures in the model on the basis of pressurized fluid (with consideration of preexisting fractures)?
How to find the width and length of fracture for any specific injection pressure? 

Kindly if you may comment. 
