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Ansys Employee

Hi Javier:

I believe we may have found the possible root-cause of this issue: wrong Intel MKL version (as is suggested by the error message)

[1] Both versions of Chemkin, v232 and v241 use the Intel MKL 2021.3.0
[2] Both versions of Chemkin, v232 and v241 use Visual Studio 2019
[3] The compiler used for v232 is IntelFortran update 5 2019 whereas for v241 it is the oneAPI (Intel Fortran Classic i.e. ifort)
[4] Unfortunately, the default (built-in) versions of MKL (i.e. what one would get when downloading the compiler) are incompatible with Chemkin needs (as mentioned in [1]).
[5] So, I would suggest downloading and installing Intel MKL 2021.3.0. The installation folder should have a directory structure as shown in the screen-shot below:
[6] With correct version of MKL installed, you can open the appropriate compiler command prompt (for the versions as mentioned in [3] above) and then set-up the correct MKL version.
The setting up of MKL is done by typing: Call MKL_Install_DIR\env\vars.bat intel64 vs2019
When set correctly, if one types the following at the command prompt: where mkl_core.1.dll  ---- it would show the install path to MKL.
[7] Now from this command prompt with appropriate compiler and MKL, follow building the user-routine (the static library and the application dll).
With [7], the user-routine would work as expected when running from the GUI.
[8] To run from command prompt:
(a) Open a native (non-compiler) command prompt.
(b) Set Chemkin environment by typing: ANSYS_Install_DIR\reaction\chemkinpro.win64\bin\run_chemkinpro_env_setup.bat
And then run the appropriate application program.
Please let me know if this works.
Best Regards,