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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids AQWA LINE: wrong angle of the principle axes of the cut water plane area Reply To: AQWA LINE: wrong angle of the principle axes of the cut water plane area

Shuangxing Du
Ansys Employee

The results are from the equations given previously, i.e. Euqations (3-19) through (3-20) in the Aqwa theory manual.  In your case, please check if the horizontal positions of the centre of the floation, the centre of the buoyancy and the centre of the structure COG coincide. For the model with two columns of which the horizontal locations of these three centres are not the same, please use Equation (3.19) to estimate the hydrostatic stiffness elements. They should be the same as those output in the Aqwa-Line .lis file.