Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Different results for transmission power from same Lumerical file Reply To: Different results for transmission power from same Lumerical file

Asha Devi


Hi Dimitris,

Thank you very much for your kind reply and please accept my sincerest apology for the late response. Your suggestions were indeed very helpful. 

We were actually waiting for the license of the new version of Lumerical 2023 R2 and as you have suggested, I run my simulation using this version. However, the differences were still there and the ripples still prominent. 

I then modified the settings in the material Explorer and indeed as you have correctly pointed out, the material fit between the experimental data and the FDTD simulated data were not good (Fig. 1). The Imaginary part of permitivity data were not matching and therefore I increased the imaginary weight to 30 and now it is closely matched (Fig. 2). I kept the max cofficients same as before (which is 6). 

I have got a much smoother plot now and no ripples (purple plot in Fig. 3). However, there is still a difference between the two plots (green is the data generated around 2018 using an older version).

Is it due to the updated materials in the new versions as you have mentioned? I can share the file with you, kindly let me know how to do that. 

Once again, thank you very much for the help.

With kind regards,
