Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Help with Calculating Electric Motor Displacement(mm) due to Vibration Reply To: Help with Calculating Electric Motor Displacement(mm) due to Vibration

Hamid R

Hello Ashish,

Thank you for your reply. In ANSYS Maxwell, I have drawn 36 arcs for the 36 stator slot teeth in the middle of the airgap and enabled the harmonic force calculation, as well as configured the DesignXplorer setup. In the modal analysis section, I imported a 3D model of the stator core with a frame that includes bolts and designated the bolt faces as fixed support. Then, I set up the modal analysis to search for a maximum of 100 modes and a frequency range of up to 5 kHz. In the harmonic response section, I applied a remote load to the tips, where each tip carries a remote force and moment, corresponding to the considered motor speed. The software defaulted to using the mode superposition method for the solution. For displacement calculation, I utilized the deformation frequency response and considered the inner and outer faces of the cylindrical frame in the scope section. Is this the correct approach to calculate motor displacement or velocity due to vibration?