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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Stackrt method for absorption validation Reply To: Stackrt method for absorption validation

Dimitris Polyzos
Ansys Employee


thank you for contacting us.To get the same results from STACK solver and FDTD solver you should decrease the x boundaries of your FDTD solver. You can check the photo below to visualize what I mean. In this way both solvers will calculate the absorption/transmission and reflection with high accuracy and I reckon that their results would match.


STACK solver calculates R and T of a plane wave for a multi-layer formation using the analytic transfer matrix method. It doesn't recognize the lateral shape of the multilayered design. For this design I would suggest to use FDTD solver that simulates any abstract design. 

I hope I helped. Please let me know if you need further assistance.

Kind regards
