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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Error “unexpected end of file” when running Lumerical 3D FDTD in HPC Linux Reply To: Error “unexpected end of file” when running Lumerical 3D FDTD in HPC Linux

Ansys Employee

@Jordi Lopez Leyva,

From the command you provided,

/.../mpiexec -n 4 -host tue-login002 -env HOME /.../test /.../fdtd-engine-mpich2nem -t 1 /.../Nanobeam.fsp

Are you running the simulation remotely from a Linux machine to another Linux machine, 'tue-login002' ?

Are you able to log in to the Linux machine, 'tue-login002', and run it directly from there (not remotely)?

/cm/shared/apps/lumerical/2023-R1.1/mpich2/nemesis/bin/mpiexec -n 4 /cm/shared/apps/lumerical/2023-R1.1/bin/fdtd-engine-mpich2nem -t 1 /home/”MyPath”/Lumerical/test/Nanobeam.fsp

Otherwise, try the command below, without the '-env HOME' options for the MPI. Let me know if the issue persists even though the simulation ran successfully. 

/cm/shared/apps/lumerical/2023-R1.1/mpich2/nemesis/bin/mpiexec -n 4 -host tue-login002 /cm/shared/apps/lumerical/2023-R1.1/bin/fdtd-engine-mpich2nem -t 1 /home/”MyPath”/Lumerical/test/Nanobeam.fsp