Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics How to interpret the electric field data Reply To: How to interpret the electric field data

Guilin Sun
Ansys Employee


U= Ex * conj(Ex) + Ey * conj(Ey) + Ez * conj(Ez)

is the Poynting vector along z axis;

 P_desired / P_simulation   *    [Ex * conj(Ex) + Ey * conj(Ey) + Ez * conj(Ez) ] 

seems reasonable. however

 abs(a_fund-mode + b_fund-mode) * P_desired / P_simulation   *    [Ex * conj(Ex) + Ey * conj(Ey) + Ez * conj(Ez) ] 

is not reasonable, since a and b are  the transmission/reflection complex coefficients and they usually do not work to be summed up and apply to power quantities.

Please check your original idea of “potential”: what exactly does it mean in math expression in physics?