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Hi Federico,

So the following Batch opens the Fluent journal

#!/bin/bash Before it was #!/bin/sh hope nothing changed
#SBATCH --partition=shared
#SBATCH --job-name="cubeRANS"
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=60G
#SBATCH --output=fltest.out
#SBATCH -e fltest.err
# # SBATCH --constraint=avx512 I have removed this since I think it does not exist anymore
ml ansys/2022r2-fluids_structs  
# # MPI_EXEC=/opt/proprietary-apps/Intel_Parallel_Suite/xe_2019_5/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpirun
# # MPI_EXEC=/opt/software/pkgs/intel-compilers/2022.1.0/mpi/2021.6.0/bin/mpirun
# # export MPI_EXEC=$(which mpirun) I have remove this since it is also old
# # FLUENT_ARCH=lnamd64 
# # export FLUENT_ARCH I dont know if this is necesary
/opt/software/pkgs/ansys/2022r2-fluids_structs/ansys_inc/v222/fluent/bin/fluent -g 2ddp -t 20 -i AnsysJournal.jou
# # fluent -g 2ddp -t 20 -i AnsysJournal.jou If I use this line is the same as the previous one, isn't it?

Which launches Fluent Journal with:

/file/set-tui-version 22.2 I have deleted this line, since nothing changes
/file read-case URANS.cas.h5
/file read-data URANS.cas.h5
/file/confirm-overwrite? no
/solve/dual-time-iterate 10 30 This is the point where it collapses
/file/write-case Results.cas.h5
/file/write-data Results.dat.h5

I don’t think the problem is related with the PPTSlide as I could run it using Fluent Wo

Yes, I am using Named Expressions and Report Definitions which are used for OUTPUT files.

Seems like the program loads everything but then just stops. The error is still:

/opt/software/pkgs/ansys/2022r2-fluids_structs/ansys_inc/v222/fluent/fluent22.2.0/bin/fluent: line 2886: 387716 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $NO_RUN $CORTEX_PRE $EXE -f $FLUENT_PROD $CX_FLAGS “$CX_FUNCTION”