We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
Ansys Employee

Walking you through a complete Ansys nCode DesignLife fatigue analysis is beyond the scope of this forum.  I can only provide some guidance.  In addition, there are multiple acceptable approaches.  I cannot know the best approach without obtaining more details.  I recommend searching AIS for the “Introduction to Ansys nCode DesignLife “training course.  That training course will explain how to set up an Ansys nCode DesignLife time series analysis.  I also recommend reviewing the first 2 Worked Examples in the Ansys DesignLife Help (see below).

If you are using 22R1 or later, I recommend using the Ansys nCode DesignLife Mechanical Add-On (WE#1).  If you are using an early release, I recommend using the Ansys nCode DesignLife Workbench Integrated systems (WE#2).  You can also use the HBK standalone Glyphworks interface, but I do believe that approach is required and it requires more DesignLife knowledge.

A quick summary of the required steps.

1.       Run Mechanical model with 2 load steps:  static moment and unit acceleration

2.       Store the acceleration load multipliers as a single column time history file in the appropriate format (ASCII for embedded Add-On and .s3t for the Integrated systems)

3.       Choose the appropriate set-up for a time-series analysis (depends on the interface)

4.       Choose time-series load mapper and read in Mechanical result sets

5.       Set the moment result in the load mapper to be “static”

6.       Associate the acceleration load step in the load mapper with the time history file.

7.       Specify the appropriate mean stress method

8.       Solve.