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Hi! Praneeth,


Thanks for the follow-up. 


Regarding question #1: I can quote my previous information:

"The solving space Box1 size:  Position: (-500, -500, 0); (Xsize, Ysize, Zsize) = (1000, 1000, 600). It is larger than the suggested size: Lambda/4." ,

"Dipole in formation: +y E Hertzian dipole, L=50 mm, Radius: 5 mm, location (0, 0, 30) mm (30 mm above the PEC plane."

f = 200 MHz in free space -> Lambda/4 = 375 mm.  The distance between radiating element and the boundary surface = 495 mm >  Lambda/4.


Regarding question #2: You can see in my previous photo, there is a PerfE1 boundary. This is the perfect E boundary to the bottom of the air region.


Regarding question #3: The dipole theory works in both near-field and far-field regions, as proved by the comparison betwwen case #2 and the theoritical calculations. So, I don't think it is important. Do we need to pay special attention to anything when using HFSS for near-field or far-field simulation with dipoles?


I would be also available to share the HFSS project if you provide cloud space to upload it. Alternatively, if you could try to simulate the above cases, I think you will see the difference.


Thanks and I will look forward to your reply.


Best regards,
