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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical leaky lamb wave simulation visualization Reply To: leaky lamb wave simulation visualization

Erik Kostson
Ansys Employee




You should use the coupled field transient system with the pipe as structural region, and water domains as acoustic physics regions. Use an inplane/axial force on the pipe to excite the S0 mode, very similar to this example (have in mind that this is an old example not using the new coupled field transient, so you should use coupled field transient). https://www.cadfem.net/gb/en/industries-topics/references/reference/transient-sound-emission-analysis-during-offshore-pile-driving-of-monopiles.html

Have in mind that coupled field transient is only in 3D – if you want to use 2D axis-sym. (which is ok for the S0 in a pipe), we need to use transient structural system with apdl command snippets.

All the best
