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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Material Coordinate System Reply To: Material Coordinate System


Hello Reno,


Thanks ever so much for your help, I really appreciate it.

According to the clear explanations you provided, I am sure that I defined a proper material coordinate system for my model via the AOPT=2 option. (Step 1: Material Directions for the Wood Material Model (AOPT=2.0)

The only thing I am still not sure about is Step 2 I did (Step 2: Setting the direction of orthotropy axis 1 of the material). According to your explanations, it seems that I do not need to do this step, however, I understood that this step is also related to the material coordinate system. Please see the following pictures.

I would appreciate it if you could read Step 2 as I explained in my previous post and give me some advice. As I mentioned before I understand that in Element Tools > Element Editing, the Direction option sets the direction of orthotropy axis 1 of the material. So, Vector-A is the direction of orthotropy axis 1 of the material. I wonder whether this direction (Vector-A) is the same as the material direction "a" for my model. If the answer is yes, as you can see in picture 6, it seems that this direction is wrong by default for my model and should be along the global Z axis (the material direction "a"). Therefore, I changed the direction and set it along the global Z axis (Picture 7). After that, the elements for the beam changed to ELEMENT_SOLID_ORTHO as you can see in picture 8. As you can see in picture 8, there are vectors A and D. I wonder if these vectors are the same as vectors A and D for the AOPT=2 option.  


Thanks in advance for your kind attention.

