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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Failed to move file from solver directory to scratch directory: file.rst Reply To: Failed to move file from solver directory to scratch directory: file.rst

Akshay Maniyar
Ansys Employee


Hi Ted,

The issue you are facing is a 0 kB file.rst problem. Sometimes, if you press the stop button, the analysis is stopped and an empty file.rst is copied into the Mech directory. Now Mechanical has access to this file. Now, if you run the analysis again, file.rst is written by the solver. But if the analysis has finished, the new file.rst can’t be moved into the Mech folder, as 0 kb file.rst is already present in the folder.The only option to get rid of is,


  • Copy the .rst file path or open that folder and then close the mechanical.
  • Go to the directory where that 0kb file.rst is saved.
  • Delete the 0 kB file.rst
  • Now open mechanical and run the simulation.

Another option is to copy the Analysis System. As the results are not copied, the file.rst problem is gone. It is a known bug, and it is resolved in the 2023R2 version. With scripting, you can try to use the second option. You can make a copy of the analysis system and apply the second set of loads.

Thank you,

Akshay Maniyar

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