Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Does the Johnson-Holmquist model not work in the Ls-Dyne Workbench? Reply To: Does the Johnson-Holmquist model not work in the Ls-Dyne Workbench?

Ram Gopisetti
Ansys Employee


do you have any refernce to your work ?

do you have any formal /guided training in LSDYNA in general ? and specific to paticel methods? , if not i suggest you first get the training started.

how can you run 16 cores dispite the licenses you hold?

JH and JH-2 will run in lsdyna wb if executed properly !

 SECTION and PART snippet will not be taken under the GEOMETRY, you need to use the opton in the LSDYNA -PRE tab. 

cheers, Ram