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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics Make rectangular plot from the field plot Reply To: Make rectangular plot from the field plot

Faezeh Ladani
Ansys Employee

Hi Hyhaerong,

Yes, you can do these kind of operations using fields calculator.

First, make sure you select Save Fields and Mesh in your parametric setup (in the last Tab>Options) before you run the simulation. 

Then you can use fields calculator to create your desired field expressions (e.g. Average over a certain surface). You will add these expressions with a name and then you can plot. There is extensive information on the online help for how to access and use fields calculator. You can find it in the Post Processing and Generating Reports (23-411).

After you created these fields expressions, you can simply right click on the results, Create Fields Report, select Rectangular Plot and then select Calculator Expressions in category. You can find these field expressions listed among other default expressions. Also, you can change the default Primary Sweep to your parameter.