Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Gradient based dynamic Mesh adaption problem when restarting VOF simulation Reply To: Gradient based dynamic Mesh adaption problem when restarting VOF simulation


Dear Sir,

Thank you for your reply. I am using the following steps

Step 1- I launched the fluent through the workbench2020R1. I saved the case and data files in the Legacy format.  Then I launched a new workbench2020R1 and imported the case and data files in the .cas.gz and .dat.gz formats and rerun the simulation and again saved the files in the Legacy format. In this case, mesh adaptation is non-uniform while restarting the simulation at the non-zero time step.

Step 2- I launched the fluent through the workbench2020R1. I saved the case and data files in the Legacy format.  Then I launched Fluent standalone 2023R1 and imported the case and data files in the .cas.gz and .dat.gz formats and rerun the simulation and here saved the files in the CFF format (.cas.h5 and .dat.h5). Then again I launched a new Fluent standalone 2023R1 and imported the .cas.h5 and .dat.h5 files at non-zero time step and run the simulation. Then again I am getting a non-uniform mesh adaptation.

Step 3- I launched the fluent through the workbench2020R1. I saved the case and data files generated at 0 th time step in the Legacy format as there is no option of saving it into CFF format under Fluent 2020R1 launched through Workbench.  Then I launched Fluent standalone 2023R1 and imported the case and data files in the .cas.gz and .dat.gz formats and saved the case and data file in the CFF format (.cas.h5 and .dat.h5) for the 0th time step. Then again I launched a new Fluent standalone 2023R1 and imported the .cas.h5 and .dat.h5 files at the zeroth time step and run the simulation saved files in CFF format. Then I stopped the simulation and restarted it after importing the case and data files in .dat.h5 format at a non-zero time step in the Fluent standalone 2023R1.  Now, I am getting the correct mesh adaptation after restarting the simulation. ??

Sir, Please let me know if there is some other way of doing the same simulation correctly.

your support is much appreciated and thank you for your time.