Ansys Learning Forum › Forums › Discuss Simulation › Fluids › Is it possible to specify to fluent the number of threads generated ? › Reply To: Is it possible to specify to fluent the number of threads generated ?
January 24, 2022 at 11:34 am
To determine which processes are running on the cluster I run this command :
ps -ef| grep fluent_mpi.21.2 | grep -v -e mpiexec -e' /bin/sh'
The result was indicated in the 1st picture : the 8 processes linked to my simulation.
The processes (in the pictures 2 & 3) are from that job because the command :
About my UserID, it's not abenete+, linux automatically adds a "+" when there is not enough place to print the whole name ! So, there is no influence with my userID, don't worry about that !