Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics Electromagnetic Simulation – Skin depth resolution Reply To: Electromagnetic Simulation – Skin depth resolution

Naresh Patre
Ansys Employee
Hello ha_nguyen3
Voltage option is not available in AIM.
Regarding Skin Depth Resolution, the help document mentions the following:
You can add aSkin Depth Resolutionphysics option to generate a mesh that's more dense for selected locations near the surfaces of conductors, where Eddy current effects are more significant, thus avoiding the need to generate a very large, dense mesh for all surfaces.
Select one or more faces for theSurface locationfor which you want to specify askin depth resolution.
Set theResolutionslider to one of the eight settings to control the initial mesh resolution for the selected location.
In general, the finer the setting, the denser the initial mesh will be, and the more accurate the solution, but at the expense of increased computation time.