Still There are many Windows 8.o/ 8.1 users. Many.
And Ansys Student remains valid for just only one year.
Hence, including 8.1 version will have a better result as more users will have the opportunity to use ansys. Undoubtedly.
Microsoft's decision for not supporting 8.0/8.1 shall not be an issue. to include it - because still there will be many users of 8.1. And all ready the other alternative OS are included.
Bottom line is that many users has been out of these ansys student program as 8.1 has not been included. It will be better to include 8.1 if ansys policy makers want to allow more users to include in their planning. There is no negativity in including that. Other than positive side.

Thank you for being generous to the users of 8.0/8.1.