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Govindan Nagappan
Ansys Employee
It would help if you could show a sample data that you want to export by inserting an image. What data goes into the 33 rows and what data goes in each column?

Here are some sample commands that you can use. See if you can modify this for your needs
*dim,narray,array,33,14 ! define a matrix
*dim,node_vmask,array,ncount!define mask vector ncount is node count. You can use *get command to retrieve that
!select the nodes for which you need the result
*vget,narray(1,1),node,,nlist !column 1 has node list
*vget,narray(1,2),node,,loc,x !column 2 has node location X

*do,i,1,tset !use *do loop to retrieve uy at all result sets. tset is total time set. you will need a *get to retrieve that value
*vget,narray(1,i+2),node,,u,y !get Y direction displacement

*mwrite,narray,my_output,txt!writes out a 2D matrix