Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Materials Is there a way to use a bilinear orthotropic model? Reply To: Is there a way to use a bilinear orthotropic model?

April Wang
Ansys Employee
To add anisotropic plasticity with bilinear hardening, you need to add a command object under geometry body.
Note that this law is only usable with some elements: PLANE42, SOLID45, SOLID92, SOLID95, LINK1, PLANE2, LINK8, PIPE20, BEAM23, BEAM24, SHELL43, SHELL51, PIPE60, SOLID62, SOLID65 PLANE82, SHELL91, SHELL93, and SHELL143

Here is an example of commands:

MP,EX,matid,200000000000, ! Pa, matid is the material id assigned to the body
MP,EY,matid,200000000000, ! Pa
MP,EZ,matid,200000000000, ! Pa

MP,PRXY,matid,0.3 MP,PRYZ,matid,0.3 MP,PRXZ,matid,0.3
MP,GXY,matid,76923076923.0769, ! Pa
MP,GYZ,matid,76923076923.0769, ! Pa
MP,GXZ,matid,76923076923.0769, ! Pa

!Tensile yield stresses in the material x, y, and z directions following by tangent moduli
TBDATA,7,160000000,200000000,200000000,5100000000,4500000000,5300000000 ! Compressive "" ""
TBDATA,13,160000000,200000000,200000000,5100000000,4500000000,5300000000 !Shear "" ""

et,matid,95 ! set element type to be solid95

You can find introduction of command TB, ANISO from ANSYS Help