Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids TIME STEPPING / CONVERGENCE ISSUE with a SEVERAL HOURS lasting 2-phase simulation + ERROR MESSAGE Reply To: TIME STEPPING / CONVERGENCE ISSUE with a SEVERAL HOURS lasting 2-phase simulation + ERROR MESSAGE

Arraythe steps I did are the following:nDM: After creating the two zones I Form new part and activate Shared Topology (=Gemeinsame Topology).nMeshing:nIs it ok that under Geometry my two parts are separate instead of the one part I defined in the previous Design Modeler step?nAlthough I labeled the two faces as interior during meshing instead of interface (which I did before this try) I can only choose interface in the BCs in Fluent...nIs this due to the fact that I activated Shared Topology in DM and changed some labels in Meshing and then updated my Setup instead of doing it like this at once?nOr did I misunderstand you and it is ok like that and I just need to avoid going to Mesh Interfacesto define an interface selecting the two BCs?n