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February 15, 2021 at 1:24 am
Thank you for the constructive comments! They helped tremendously!nIndeed, having the default KEYOPT(1)=0 option, the problem is solved much faster because the SHELL181 elements have bending resistance. In reality, this is not the case for my application (thin tensioned cloth loaded with uniform pressure distribution). nChanging the initial substeps and the BC helped a lot!nI added one more item under the Geometry Commands, where I pre-tensioned the membrane shells numerically - see screenshot below.nThe INISTATE command does the trick and the solution immediately starts to converge! nYou can use both stress (default) or strain preload (the latter must be set first). nI hope others will find this helpful, too!nnBest,nMattn
The actual problem I was trying to solve:n