Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical RSM Issue for Parameter Set Reply To: RSM Issue for Parameter Set

Hui Liu
Ansys Employee
Hello,nPlease refrain from creating duplicate posts for the same question. We will respond to your question here soon.n

Hi everyone,I have a structural segment that is part of the stator of the generator and the material's properties for a few elements are unknown ( due to adding resin to the coils (copper) and lamination steel (stainless steel), and I started to set different inputs parameter (interval or a set of numbers) for the density and Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, and for output parameter, I chose 7th natural frequency, and after I update design points I get this error about failing RSM, which I guess it is about Remote Solver Manager, can you please help me with it? I am using a laptop from a company with a valid license for ANSYS 18.2. And also is it possible to solve it without a server? Like changing the Solution Process in Tools? you so much,Omid./forum/discussion/24107/parameter-set

I'm closing this post.nThank you.n