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Post26 APDL Command

    • Diane
      Hello, nI am doing a 2D static structural analysis with 2 steps and 80 substeps. My main outcomes are the penetration results of a contact pair (from the Solution Contact Tool). I am doing a parametric study and for each design point I need to export a text file with the penetration results and the time value for all 80 substeps. nI thought the best way to do that would be a Post26 APLD command added under Solution but I can't get the command to work properly. The code I am using is the following: n/post26              nfile,file,rst                     nesol,2,5729,6183,cont,pene           nstore,merge                 n*get,size,vari,,nsets           n*dim,penetrat,array,size           !nvget,penetrat(1),2         n*dim,timearr,array,size        nvget,timearr(1),1                    ndpFolder = '\\dp'ndpLoc = STRPOS(_wb_SolverFiles_dir(1),dpFolder)nCutPath = STRSUB(_wb_SolverFiles_dir(1),dpLoc+3,6)nDirSepLoc = STRPOS(CutPath,"\\')ndpNb = STRSUB(CutPath,1,DirSepLoc-1) n*cfopen,"%_wb_userfiles_dir(1)%\\Penetration_dp%dpNb%',csv       n*vwriten('Time",";","Penetration')n*vwrite,timearr(1),penetrat(1)   n*cfclosennIn the solver output, after the esol function I an getting the warning No data points are saved during this storage step. Doesn't the results file store the contact tool solution too?nThe other issue is that I need the penetration result for the whole edge of the contact pair not only one element or node. Is this feasible in an APDL command? n Thank you in advance for you help! nBest regards, nDiane
    • HarsihilZLHZ
      yes you can get output of particular edge.nif possible share your file. Without it, is difficult to reply.ninstead of using *get,size,vari,,nsets   try this *get,my_size,vari,,nsets (my_ : is ansys default prefix) nare you getting any value in my_size in the RESULTS ?nn
    • Diane
      Hello, nI replaced the *get,size,vari,,nsets  with *get,my_size,vari,,nsets and obtained a my_size result but the value was 0. According to the Post Output, there is something wrong with the esol,2,5729,6183,cont,pene command. nI am trying to share a simplified version of my model but it seems I am not allowed to attach a .wbpz to this comment. nThank you!nDiane n
    • HarsihilZLHZ
      As the value is 0, that means you are not following proper ANSYS syntax.nOnce you get any value, then it works fine.ntry to share your file, its difficult to solve problem without it.nYou can share you file, search for share wbpz file format in ANSYS FORUM.nn
    • Diane
      ArrayHi, nSorry for the late reply. I've attached the file of a simplified version of my model but I changed the .wbpz file extension to .7z. Before you open the file, change the extension back to .wbpz. nTo recap, what I was trying to do was to get the maximum penetration values of the frictional contact pair for all 84 substeps and write these penetration values to a .csv or .txt file. nThanks again for your help!nBest regards, nDiane n
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